About Kutch Yuvak Sangh

In year 1985-86 there was a time, wherein in Kutch from across borders illegal stuffs like heroin, mandrex, opium etc. were getting transported easily. Gold, silver and electronics was smuggled into kutch through land and water ways. To spread terrorism in Punjab and to create instability in the country, modern weapons were smuggled through Kutch border. In short Kutch was being used for anti social and anti national activities on a large scale. In such desperate times to create patriotic feelings among the people and to develop mass voice against the anti-social activities, 4-5 people gathered the information about the activities that were going on in Kutch and formed a small sanstha. Later other Kutchi youth joined the sanstha and Kutch Yuvak Sangh was established in 1986. It was registered in 1987 as trust. Thereafter it has worked for the overall progress of Kutch and kutchi community without any bias. Kutch Yuvak Sangh always stands as a pillar when it comes to the problems of kutchi people and it serves as a bridge between Mumbai & Kutch.

      Any Kutchi belonging to any village or city of kutch ,without any caste or religion bias and one who has the dedication and the will to do anything for his native place can join in as volunteer.

      Sanstha’s logo that a youth is running with a mashal also symbolizes the thinking that a youth is required for the complete change of the society.

      All the volunteers associated with the sanstha have deep rooted thinking of national integrity and patriotism and are always concern for the development of nation.

      It is the only organization having its network in all the talukas of Kutch

      Continuous Struggle for solving Railway problems related to passengers travelling on Mumbai – Bhuj (Kutch) route and achieving the desired results.

      Continuous Struggle for getting waters of river Narmada for Kutch.

      Relief work during draughts in Kutch.

      Water conservation by recharging wells, building dams and lakes.

      Relief work post the Cyclone and building houses.

      Post Earthquake, relief work on an immediate basis by building 1750 temporary houses in 7 villages and 825 permanent houses in 11 villages.

      To make Kutch Hepatitis free around 1,00,000 children were given vaccination.

      On Education front sanstha has started Sanskar Kendras, Shishu Mandir, Primary and Secondary Schools in Kutch in which value based education is given.

      Courageous activity of climbing mountain Dhinodhar was organized for youths in Kutch.

      To promote Kutchi language and make it popular and to bring the Kutchi youth closer to the art and develop the hidden talent in them, sanstha is producing kutchi plays since past 30 years.

      Massive drive for blood donation to develop the habit of donating blood among the youth and to fill everlasting demand of blood in all the blood banks across Mumbai, Sanstha has worked really hard and achieved the result under successful campaign of "Anchorwala Blood Donation Drive"

      To bring awareness towards Outdoor Sports activities and fitness sanstha keeps organizing sports festival and competitions.

      Sanstha keeps organizing Trekking programs to develop courage and bravery among the youths and making them Nature – lovers.

      To know Kutch closely, understand its culture and make it popular sanstha organizes ‘Kutch Darshan Tour’ every year.

      Workshops useful for women and festivals for them are organized.

      Workshops for children and educational tours for them are arranged on a regular basis.

      Distributing Grains, Books and other help for the weaker sections of the society is done on a regular basis.

      Medical Camps and awareness programs are arranged continuously by the sanstha.

      Rass - Garba Mahotsav is organized every year.

      Vyakhyanmalas with eminent speakers are organized.

      There is also a science laboratory in Kutch by the name of Wah Community Center.

      In "Sainik Academy," young boys and girls are trained to become soldiers

      Children up to 14 years and pregnant ladies are given free drops of "Suvarna Prashan" at the right Nakshatra time.

      Such various activities of social benefit have resulted into developing force of devoted volunteers which are now successfully serving the other social organizations as well.

      To improve primary Education in Kutch and to bring about upgradation of it on a larger scale.

      To build university in Bidada.

      To work on conservation of Environment and Tree plantation in Kutch.

      To bring in awareness for building more and more check dams in Kutch.