
Experimental Dramas:

      Other than entertainment plays, various real life based plays are being presented by the sanstha under which Mahatma Gandhi’s dear friend and advisor, Swami Vivekananda’s samkalin and Chicago world religious forum’s jain representative Shri Veerchand Gandhi’s autobiography and his social work was depicted in the play named ‘Gandhi before Gandhi’. The great philanthropic Bhamasha’s story was potrayed through the play ‘Bhamasha’ in Hindi. Also a biopic drama ‘Ek Mutti Ajwalu’ based on the life history and social work of Shri Liladharbhai Gada ‘Aadha’ who has done a remarkable contribution in the medical field in kutch area, was presented. This is for the first time in the field of kutchi dramatics that a life history of some living person was portrayed. This experiment was appreciated by entire kutchi community.

Other Cultural Programs:

      Kutchi Dayro, songs and music – To promote native kutchi literature and culture various Dayros such as ‘Moti verana chokma’, ‘Sai Ram Dave no hasya darbar’, ‘Chando ugayo chokma’ etc. are performed at various branch of the sanstha.

     A special Kutchi programme ‘Khil Masti dhil Masti’ presenting our kutchi paroli, songs, stories, rhymes etc. was organized by sanstha with the support of Dr.Visan Nagda at various places of Mumbai as well as in Kutch.

     In a traditional and cultural atmosphere and on a huge scale Raas garba is organized by sanstha every year at Borivali.

     Various patriotic programs such as ‘Bharat Ma Ki Aarti’, ‘Jago Hindustani’, ‘Desh Mera Rangeela’, ‘Mera Bharat Mahan’ etc. are organised by the sanstha.

     Our Nations festivals – Independence Day and Republic Day are celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm with ‘Flag Hoisting’ and ‘Bharatmata Pujan’.

     To find the hidden talent and art among the members of kutchi community, a unique program ‘Khoj’ was launched wherein various competitions were organized in the year 2010.This program got a breath taking response.

     Renowned kutchi flute player Honorable Shri Shivkumar Punjani was felicitated on his 75th birthday in a special program organized by the sanstha.

     To promote hidden talent amongst community members, sanstha keeps organizing workshop on dance, plays, etc. on a regular basis.